Monday, December 19, 2011

Safe Driving Tips this Holiday

Christmas is nearly upon us and some of us will have to travel to spend the holiday with the family. Therefore to ensure all of our customers, friends and family have a happy and safe Christmas we have included as a reminder some general safe driving tips.

  • Make sure you get a few good nights' sleep before heading off
  • Ensure your car has a safety check up
  • Map out your trip – making sure there's plenty of time to get to your destination, so you aren't tempted to speed or skip rest stops;
  • Take regular breaks (at least one every two hours) and pull over for a power nap as soon you feel tired;
  • Always share the driving where possible;
  • Make sure all vehicle occupants wear restraints, including pets; and
  • Make sure all luggage is properly secured and won't become projectiles in the case of sudden braking.
  • Never drink alcohol, not even small amounts, before or during a long trip; and if you are heading out to a Christmas function, make sure you have a plan, such as a designated driver, money for a cab or organized to stay at a friends place.
  • Always choose an appropriate speed for the conditions and stay within the speed limits;
  • Go slow on unfamiliar roads or in different weather conditions, such as towing a caravan or driving in the rain. These types of situations require more concentration and extra care on the driver's behalf.
  • Kids are not usually known for their patience and a long journey can turn into a parental nightmare.  So, make sure to bring plenty of games or movies to watch just keep the kids occupied.

With all the rush around, it is quiet easy to become fatigued during this time and drivers may be tempted to put their foot down to 'make up time' – putting themselves, their passengers and other road-users at risk. Some of the signs of fatigue include;

  • Yawning
  • Sore or heavy eyes
  • Slower reaction times
  • Finding you're daydreaming or not concentrating on your driving
  • Driving speed creeps up or down
  • Impatience
  • Impaired driving performance such as poor gear changes
  • Stiffness and cramps

If you start to experience any of these symptoms, its time to pull over, take a break, have a power nap and grab a cup of coffee.

Preparation and planning are key in arriving safely at your destination. So whether you're heading off for a long weekend, an interstate journey or just across town to a friends place, there are a number of simple things you can do to ensure you complete your trip relaxed and safe.

On behalf of Hubler Automotive Group, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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